Miss Consistency F*cks Mr Passion up!

Miss Consistency F*cks Mr Passion up!


2 min read

Miss Consistency F*cks Mr Passion up!

Weird title, I know. Let me tell you a story:

Mr Passion wakes up in the morning and remembers that he has had a dream. A dream to make beautiful shiny objects. These objects float in space. He only knows how to make objects that never move, but Mr Passion needs this to work.

He has to learn how to make the objects move, then fly, and then float in the air for a while before leaving the air's sphere into space. Mr Passion tries all he can to make the object move without human intervention but can't get it to move. He does this for days and then suddenly, his girlfriend leaves him for a guy who makes objects move. He is broken.

This time, he gets up early in the morning and grinds. Reads articles and watches tutorials. He finally gets the object to move. "Oh damn,," he said, "I did it". Now I need to make this object fly.

The next few days he meets a beautiful woman who admires his work. They both spend the day into the night together. He is passionate about his new love. She wakes up in the middle of the night and sees him grinding. She goes like, "Passion baby, I think you should rest.". Mr Passion replies to her "I need to make this object fly", and she says with confidence "do you know what you have learnt so far is enough to get you among the club of people who have made the object move? come to bed and chill a bit"

Mr Passion goes to bed and sleeps all day. Whenever he sees his object, he says "I am going to work on it tomorrow, besides, I know the basics and how this works". It took Mr Passion 6 years to get his project to fly and another 10 years to get it to get back to the flying project again after he watched a motivational video on YouTube.

Miss Consistency did hers differently. She wanted to build the same project and she said "I would take 10mins off my day to work on this flying object project" and she did. Every day Miss Consistency would pick up her object and grind for 10mins, and by the time she checks the time, she has spent 3 hours.

She completed the project in two years, made a profit and moved to another project that increased her knowledge. She had more confidence because she consistently gave time to her growth.

Moral of the story: Passion is good. Consistency is King

Love, Chizom
